They keep raising prices, stating that it’s due to inflation, but then they keep having record profits.

Meanwhile, the average American can barely afford rent or food nowadays.

What are we to do? Vote? I have been but that doesn’t seem to do much since I’m just voting for a representative that makes the actual decisions.

    9 months ago

    I’m fortunate enough to not be in a position where money is tight for food, but re: beans and rice, I absolutely love my instant pot!

    Mexican-style beans are, IMHO, delicious, easy to make, and dirt cheap. I love them, our toddler loves them, and it’s easy on the wallet. Dry beans are really affordable, and a 25lb bag of rice is great to have in the pantry (note: careful with bulk brown rice as I think it can go rancid). A stove and a pot can do both, but an instant pot and a rice cooker makes it so easy.

    I also drink a fair amount of coffee, but again, bulk or even just “make coffee at home” is very affordable. A few cups at Starbucks costs the same as a pound of beans (which yields many cups).

    • ℛ𝒶𝓋ℯ𝓃
      9 months ago

      Exactly this. Also try Indian Madras Lentils packets (I get them at Costco), really cheap for a serving and microwavable. Also bulk Indian spice pastes if you can get them cheap enough. Makes the rice+beans gourmet for dirt cheap. And with coffee, I’ve gotten to the point where the biggest cost is actually filters. To help with this I got a reusable mesh filter from Amazon. Works well, easy to clean, and holds up (I’ve used it for over 100 cups now). Then you’re at like 10 - 15¢ / cup if you use bulk coffee mate and sugar.

      9 months ago

      I started buying dry beans recently and it has been a complete game changer for me. Same goes for things like rice, potatoes, and oats. My grocery bill is way lower than it used to be, and I haven’t have to skip meals to get through the month in a while. I spend a bit more time cooking now, but I’m a college student with no kids or other major responsibilities, so it’s not a big deal in my case. I’ve honestly started to enjoy cooking, and my roommates are nice about helping me learn.

      I dunno why I’m putting all this out there, I guess I’m just happy about it. I grew up hungry, not to the extent that some kids do, but enough that it took a toll. This is the best nourished I’ve been in my life, and the difference it’s made caught me by surprise. I feel better physically, obviously; but I also never realized how much the stress was weighing on me. It’s hard to explain, but I feel like a whole different person without it, y’know?

      Sorry for getting off topic. I hope it’s okay if I leave this here for my own sake lol. But yeah! Rice and beans ftw! xD

      9 months ago

      Beans, rice, and Instant Pot are the best. Instant Pots are also highly repairable in the unlikely event that they break.