I was reading a post about unique things you wouldn’t want, such as a nasty medical condition named after you.
That got me thinking.
What is the most unique thing.
Being the tallest person doesn’t count, because there is always a tallest person…
I thought maybe units of measure, there are not really that many units named after people. Newton, Pascal, ampere etc… Turns out there are quite a few.
Next thought was atomic elements, there are 19 named after 20 people. That is fairly unique 20 people out of the ~110 billion to have ever lived, have an element named after them.
Being the first to do x, first man on the moon for example. Or be the 28th president
While true, I don’t think it counts.
There are a huge number of firsts, that have subsequently had a lot of people do that thing.
However only 12 people have walked on the moon. So more unique than the elements.
We’re about to see the three people who have gone the furthest from earth ever
César Gaviria or Salvador Allende?