The typo in “strawbery” leads to a conversation like “hey you spelt this wrong there’s two r’s (after the e) not one”
[He/Him, Nosist, Touch typist, Enthusiast, Superuser impostorist, keen-eyed humorist, endeavourOS shillist, kotlin useist, wonderful bastard, professinal pedant miser]
Stuped person says stuped things, people boom
I have trouble with using tone in my words but not interpreting tone from others’ words. Weird, isn’t it?
Formerly on and dbzer0
The typo in “strawbery” leads to a conversation like “hey you spelt this wrong there’s two r’s (after the e) not one”
I mean, that’s how I would think about it…
The server does not necessarily control the client though. Looking at the list of alternatives, I like boss/controller–worker the most.
why they gotta make the headline almost sound like they gon’ ban anime, don’t do us dirty man
Probably advertise existing proposals for general strikes like instead
此地无银三百两—literally “this location does not hide 15kg of silver”. imagine a sign saying that with an arrow pointing downwards
Either the internet newses run by the (former?) cable newses or the newspapers of record
trying to sleep
also, i think you meant for the ask_lemmy sub lol. this one’s for factual questions
ackshually circumcision doesn’t minimize or destroy their natural biological functions
Hmm, I was talking about local running, but apparently that’s just the non-distilled version, and someone got a very straightforward explanation with the 14B distilled version.
Hmm, what are the previous examples?
Deepseek will happily tell you anything you want about Tiananmen Square from any perspective you ask it with a little creative prompting.
Show me. You can get it to say some slightly vague things about it, but you can’t have it say “anything from any perspective”. Can’t we just leave out a conspiracy theory while discussing AI?
No data is sent to servers if you run it locally.
my point was you were making unsubstantiated assertions on markets that are just wrong. you addressed none of that
Microsoft is a dead horse
prove it
same with AMD GPUs this time
prove it
Sorry, I meant online services integrating with gaming in general.
destroyed competition in name of antimonopoly when sony was already dominating even before that
hell naw. look at xbox live. i think you have a very skewed view of MS’s market position. think about the logistics required to pull MS Flight Simulator (2020) off.
800$ ps5
it’s $700, and relatively nobody is buying that thing. plus how is buying activision blizzard gonna help console competition?
sony IS a monopoly in AAA console space
compare the sales or just ask the gaming sub
give us at least SOME competition, I don’t even dare to ask about PROPER competition because market came to monopolies already
does radeon not exist? you don’t happen to train AI models do you?
Microsoft gaming department is a giant flop even with call of duty, of what monopoly she was telling then?
Cloud gaming? Duopoly and oligopoly (see healthcare) being also anticompetitive? Look, of course Sony also opposed to merger because it was a competitor. Every antitrust lawsuit is bound to attract some of them. I dunno what you’re going off on here.
“Until corporate Dems are thrown out, the reality is that Republicans remain more likely to tackle Big Tech abuses.”
I don’t believe that they haven’t heard of Lina Khan.
they’re both called upscaling i just wanted to differentiate it a bit lol
I’m guessing the question is why you have both at once