set a timer. 45 seconds is a long time to talk.
set a timer. 45 seconds is a long time to talk.
I only post this because I saw someone say that they’d never vote because Carlin had a comedy routine where he said he’d never vote.
Carlin was an iconoclast; I think he’d hate the idea that people were trying to turn him into an icon. He was an entertainer and happily worked with Fox Television to make a sit com.
I’d like a hybrid camera. Digital and film options. Also, I think you could get people interested in developing their own pictures. Here’s a quick link to developing film photographs.
This is off the top of my head, but I could see retirees and young people being sold on a new hobby. Sell a camera with darkroom equipment.
Good luck with the project.
I think it’s a grammar thing, not a science thing.
For example, we consider everything from Buckingham Palace to a one bedroom house to be a “building.”
Similarly, everything from a broom closet to ballroom is a ‘room.’
Saw something similar in a government office. Three story building with no elevator. Handicapped stalls on the third floor.
Two books about the owner of a Harlem furniture store, circa 1960-1980.
The hero is a member of the community who wants to do right, respect the law and his neighbors.
So, every once in a while he has to fence some stolen jewelry or help a crooked cop rob some numbers spots, but basically he’s almost 100% honest.
California used to have a great state-wide mental health system. Plenty of beds for people who needed help. Ronald Reagan came in and cut the program to save money. Suddenly the Golden State had a big homelessness problem. That meant that police and prison budgets could be increased.
It worked so well that Reagan did the exact same thing as soon as he was inaugurated.
I read a novel written by a Vietnam era draftee.
There was a scene where two draftees were talking about ending the draft. One was against it because it would mean that all the people in the Army would be ‘lifers’ and lifers were the ones who were quickest to massacre civilians.
Hunter Thompson wrote about it once. His opinion was that when he served, a lot of upper class families sent their sons to the Army. That meant that they were meeting and working with all types of people.
My personal take is that it’s a good thing, if there’s a non-military equivalent, something like FDR’s CCC
I thought it might be off topic because it didn’t specifically deal with a will or written legacy.
[off topic?]
Ray Bradbury was a staunch anti-fascist. However, he had a beef with Pres. Obama because there were no major US space missions while Obama was in office.
After Bradbury died, Right Wing folks tried to paint him as a life-long GOP based on a few out of context quotes.
“The Dirty Dozen” The original ‘convicts on a suicide mission’ movie. Starts with a hanging and ends with a bunch of Nazi officers getting burned alive.
Politics is life.
You might as well ask to avoid gravity.
There’s a funny thing going on in the USA. The rich are buying up vacation homes in Red states like Wyoming. The rich come in and f**k up the local economy/landscape and suddenly the capitalism loving natives have to deal with being outspent.
The new tech has given the 0.001% access to a banking system that will shield them form all consequences.
Unless you’re willing to burn everything down and go back to simple barter, the rich will float above any uproar.
The USA going down the tubes wouldn’t affect the billionaire class one bit.
This is true, although you have a constitutional right to a lawyer even if you have no money.
Legal aid is overworked and underpaid. At best you’ll get a tiny portion of the lawyer’s time, and at worst they’ll throw you under the bus so they can make a deal for another client who is in a worse situation.
You aren’t the first person to post that video.
Not everyone has the privilege of being able to afford a lawyer and/or time off from work. There are plenty of jobs that won’t let you interview if you’ve been arrested, even without a conviction.
If the police want to make your life miserable, it’s very easy for them to do so with no consequences. Also, when you piss off a cop, they are probably going to take it out on the next person they interact with.
On the other hand, if you follow the advice posted, you’re not going to give up any of your rights.