Dancing is a vertical expression of a horizontal desire, or so I’ve heard
It’s closer to negative 993 million than 1 billion
a stroke
Like they said, the libido of a 16 year old
Such a strawman, lol. The comic clearly says ‘eas_ier_’
Nah skip the old man in position #2
Honestly I don’t think ‘women and girls’ feels clunky, but that’s just me
The priest looks like Father Ted
Heat death would be my assumption, so between about 10^100 and 10^106 years
I think it’s its face lol
*“Who is the fairest one of all”
Fun fact! In the original Disney film she never says ‘mirror mirror…’, she says ‘magic mirror…’
Very PBF
I think about leetspeak every time I notice the time is 13:37
I always get the impression the average user is a millennial
Just lol @ the notion that smoking weed magically makes white women attracted to you, I can’t believe people fell for that bullshit
Fun fact! Fishes means multiple types of different species of fish
I don’t need to google it, it’s a great site
“That is what I have learned” appears to be the rest of it