• 1 Post
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 16th, 2023


  • They’ll collapse their own civilization well before all that becomes possible. Personally, just the idea of Mars colonization strikes me as just cringingly deluded. Forget the hard limits imposed by relativity, even to get something as tiny as a satellite into space requires the full stack of today’s civilization to be up and running - i.e. everything from the food and energy system required to keep 8 billion people alive to the advanced microchip factories. All of this depends on a climate that humans are currently turning upside down and on an ecological substrate (soils, oceans, freshwater, biodiversity) that we’re pounding into oblivion. To anyone who can see in front of them, some kind of collapse is literally inevitable. Forget Mars colonies, we’ll be lucky if we’re eating. A few decades at most.

    PS: This comes across as a bit depressing but I don’t mean to spread hopelessness. Personally I’m not a cynic or even really a pessimist. After all, there’s always some way that we can make things better than they might otherwise be. It’s important to be realistic but nothing about the future is inevitable.

  • Fascinating subject. I seem to be out of the ordinary here. To me it is completely unignorable that crustaceans are arthropods, i.e., close cousins of insects and spiders, which I would never be able to eat. Ergo, I find the idea of eating crabs and lobsters and shrimps just as gross as the idea of eating tarantulas and would never touch any of them.

    Similarly, it is completely obvious to me that rats and mice are close cousins of hamsters and squirrels. Hence I find them all equally cute and cuddly.

    My guess is that my mind is abnormally literal. In other words I’m probably a bit autistic. Most people are just more socially conditioned than me. Waiting to see what their fellow apes do first, as you put it.

  • Excellent question! I was pondering exactly this conundrum just the other day while watching a snow leopard on BBC Earth. That thing would rip your face off but wow, what a gorgeous beast! I almost ache to pet it.

    Actually my pondering went even further. Not only are cats and owls and bears cute, they are much cuter than than our cousins the primates. And it get worse! I for one find that monkeys are cuter than apes, and that our closest cousins the chimpanzees are really pretty fugly indeed. Even the babies. Maybe especially the babies.

    What a weird world.

  • I think often people find it easier to write their own code than to make changes to other people’s projects

    A rarely mentioned weakness of open source, and it can only be getting worse given the narcissism of younger generations.

    I regularly see cases of multiple projects with exactly the same goals. All that duplication of effort just to serve the vanity of the respective project leaders. The wasted potential for good software has to be huge.

  • The underlying system, if you mean the IP layer, is controlled by non-governmental organizations like ICANN. It’s already as open as any system can be in a world of nation states. If someone is censoring you then you can host in another more liberal jurisdiction, or even with a geopolitical enemy like Russia. Sure, your home jurisdiction could still block your site. But this is a problem of laws, it’s not something that has an easy technical fix. Same goes for net neutrality, which is a legal concept not a technical one.

    The way to get a better internet is above all to vote for it and lobby for it. Boring but true.