It’s hilarious to me to see something actually get a priest kicked out of the Catholic church.
It’s hilarious to me to see something actually get a priest kicked out of the Catholic church.
Until it eventually does come to steam. Please don’t listen to these fuckers. They will say whatever they can for profit. It wouldn’t be the first time these people have lied about this exact thing only for the game to come to steam a year later.
So another linear game series going semi-openworld. I’m hoping this turns out well but I’m getting some serious shades of Halo Infinite here.
You’re really gonna have to source that. I’ve never heard of elites being killed and their wealth being redistributed during the great depression. There were plenty of suicides though. Basically everyone was affected back then. Including the rich. And many of them committed suicide after the stock market crash in 1929. Them being killed and their wealth redistributed really sounds like BS to me. We came out of the great depression through legislation. Not through violence.
If it’s anything like how the Wii was basically a GameCube it may not even be all that hard to rework existing switch emulators to work with switch 2 games. Given that it’s going to have full back compat I bet that’s why they went after switch emus so hard. They wanted to halt development as much as possible for as long as possible so it doesn’t eat away at their switch 2 sales.
The issue isn’t that you’ll run out of fucks. It’s that you can dilute your fucks and oversaturate the market. You gotta save your fucks to prevent runaway fuckflation.
Genki: “we bought this switch 2 model off the black market”
Nintendo: “we did not provide the switch 2 to Genki”
Yes, we know. You’re not telling us anything new.
Also it’s what Dragon Ball is based on and it’s a primary influence for most if not all Shonen anime.
Its like getting upset when two different projects are made based on the Greek Pantheon.
Well it’s photoshopped with an image of a different cat with a probable eye infection. Not a lot better.
His speech made me tear up a little and I have absolutely no dog in this race whatsoever. The fuck is wrong with people?
The only answer they should have to provide is “because we wanted to and anyone who has a problem with that can go fuck themselves.”
ReVanced works without rooting the phone
He’ll always simultaneously be Worf’s brother and adult Jake Sisko to me. He will be sorely missed.
At her Michigan Rally two days ago she vowed to do all she can to end the war in Gaza. Granted it was way too little too late. No idea why she waited until a day before the election to say the thing everybody has been wanting her to say since the beginning.
No, why would I give a shit? Let them die.
How much egg is gonna be on his face when he finds it one day behind a cabinet drawer?
I’m surprised they kept it up for so long honestly. It was very clear they had no fucking clue what they were doing. What with the nonsensical license that violated Github’s tos, the Dolby Code they leaked, and the fact they kept every commit public for everyone to see.
It’s not. They’ve definitely lost lawsuits before.
Since when does the CDC have the authority to do this in the first place? If the CDC can’t effectively police actions during a global pandemic they sure as shit shouldn’t have to authority to control the terminology used in medical research.