Untied shoes won’t kill him, but he didn’t say anything about serious injury.
Untied shoes won’t kill him, but he didn’t say anything about serious injury.
Was it Arch, btw?
There goes the planet…
I have it running on a Libre Computer Renegade (kind of a big brother to Le Potato)
It works really well for me. Not sure about now, but when I set it up there wasn’t a way to get the actual Octoprint image to boot on it, so I used Octoprint Deploy.
I personally like https://teachingtechyt.github.io/calibration.html for all of the above. It provides gcode and stl files based on your input. I’ve had great success using it for my Ender 3.
The favorite cat
Hot, cold, and tub/shower selector is what I assume
Mine goes nuts for (unused) foam earplugs
Would you mind explaining for those of us in the peanut gallery?
And Yellow is Language Arts
Dude it’s been 3 hours, where did you go for that AED? I don’t mind continuing compressions, but my lips are really getting chapped.
Your ideas are intriguing to me and I would like to subscribe to your newsletter.
where were u wen dark matter die
You did good, PipedLinkBot just did better.
So long, and thanks for all the fish.
February 29th 2023 isn’t a real date
I’m sorry, that’s growing into the nose, and it costs extra.