Nvidia is just strait up conning people.
Nvidia is just strait up conning people.
The Fedi is the only hope right now.
We just could not leave the NAZI camp the food was just too good. I get it corporations. When the dead bodies start showing up you will just step over them.
Nividia is using AI to con people.
I have no more terror left to give I am sorry.
Sounds like something a rapist would say.
Because they are trash that wish to force their garbage on us. Next question.
Is there a reason you did not wait for like a couple weeks for the new cards to come out?
This is what tech bros bring. A living nightmare.
I have a feeling this is going to be a big one! Just did my part. https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/pixelfed/pixelfed-foundation-2024-real-ethical-social-networks?ref=thanks-copy
Take your AI and flush it down the toilet where it belongs.
Bluesky has created the illusion of what we already have with the Fediverse.
Sounds like something a pathetic Nazi would do.
The only solution guns provide are dead people. You have fallen for the pathetic lie of the right.
1000% agree. There is no freedom but the freedom that we build together.
Fuck you Nvidia.
But for the fediverse it is a fantastic Trojan horse to get people to join us.
Please let’s not start the personal attacks on the developers. Lemmy was a shit storm of that and it really sucked when I joined. Take the gift of the software and move on.
But wait I thought PC gaming was dying LOL.
Let’s get to 95% down in Q1 of 2025.