You have a point, buuut: photons don’t experience time or distance. Leaving the star and hitting the bull’s eye happen in the same instant for them, no matter how many billions of light years apart they are. From the point of view of the photon, the bull’s eye is touching that star in that other galaxy. For just that single instant in time.
And after that?
That’s a great example!
I discovered that the grouchy, irritable and angry part of me was not “just my personality”, it was an emotional overlay that colored the rational self which lay underneath…
To me it sounds like you have low levels of serotonin. It made me irritable and easily angered too.
Medicine that helps with that are SSRIs (antidepressants). You have to ask a psychiatrist about those. Or, if you don’t want to go full medical about it, try a 5-HTP over-the-counter supplement, which is a serotonin building block. And also ease up on masturbation… It drains your serotonin.
You don’t even have to take these for very long. They have a side-effect of making you sleepy, because serotonin is processed into melatonin. Take them on and off just enough to get some perspective on how artificial your mood is, which is when you’ll gain a level of control that will stay with you even after you’ve stopped taking the medicine.
It’s what horror movies are made of… Familiar, safe scenes where you know something is deeply, horribly wrong.
The color was originally going to be called beccapurple, but Meyer asked that it instead be named rebeccapurple, as his daughter had wanted to be called Rebecca once she had turned six. She had said that Becca was a “baby name,” and that once she had turned six, she wanted to be called Rebecca. As Eric Meyer put it, “She made it to six. For almost twelve hours, she was six. So Rebecca it is and must be.”
What is this, a ring for elephants? It needs to be at least three times smaller/thinner.
“Behind an able man there are always other able men.”
It’s a Chinese proverb akin to the"shoulders of giants" idea.
They’re made that way so you don’t accidentally connect a gas cylinder to a water line.
You can’t use triangulation for anything over a few light-years, the angles are just too acute. And even then, you need to use the full width of Earth’s orbit (i.e. repeat a measurement at different times of the year).
I think they just know what the frequency distribution normally is for a burst like this when it is emitted, and use the redshift of the measured frequencies to estimate the distance. Plus they correlate it with the apparent source based on direction (a certain galaxy, in this case, which helped confirm the distance estimate).
Inmates make knives out of the weirdest things.
There is such a thing as Sun-synchronous polar orbits (an example).
Dread it, run from it…
I understand the saliva has a benefit for mosquitoes, but not the swelling and the itching (the “unpleasantness” in the title). In essence, our bodies hung this not-otherwise-useful allergic response on something the mosquitoes couldn’t/wouldn’t/didn’t give up and which was firmly specific to their bites, to single them out.
If there was no saliva our bodies would be pressured by natural selection to pick some other mechanism to make their bites unpleasant. An allergy to their chitin or a phobia to the sound of their wings, etc.
Evolutionary pressure from mosquitoes has probably been no small thing.
Ok, I guess the idea that the CMB suggests movement relative to a quasi-absolute reference frame really has become disputed lately… I also found this newer paper by the same authors. It’s a pity, I liked the idea.
Well, following the main reference in the Wikipedia page leads to this:
The implied velocity for the Solar System barycenter is v = 369.82 ± 0.11 km s−1, assuming a value T0 = Tγ , towards (l, b) = (264.021◦ ± 0.011◦, 48.253◦ ± 0.005◦) [13]. Such a Solar System motion implies a velocity for the Galaxy and the Local Group of galaxies relative to the CMB. The derived value is vLG = 620 ± 15 km s−1 towards (l, b) = (271.9◦ ± 2.0◦, 29.6◦ ± 1.4◦) [13], where most of the error comes from uncertainty in the velocity of the Solar System relative to the Local Group. The dipole is a frame-dependent quantity, and one can thus determine the ‘CMB frame’ (in some sense this is a special frame) as that in which the CMB dipole would be zero. Any velocity of the receiver relative to the Earth and the Earth around the Sun is removed for the purposes of CMB anisotropy studies, while our velocity relative to the Local Group of galaxies and the Local Group’s motion relative to the CMB frame are normally removed for cosmological studies. The dipole is now routinely used as a primary calibrator for mapping experiments, either via the time- varying orbital motion of the Earth, or through the cosmological dipole measured by satellite experiments.
Do any references suggest this dipole is under debate?
I’m not the OC, but the Japanese have two good words for related things that are not quite as rare as you’d expect: Hikikomori and Jōhatsu.