I sometimes forget I didn’t just graduate highschool, even though it was about a decade ago now. I’m also not ready to be 30. I swear I just turned 20 yesterday 😭
I sometimes forget I didn’t just graduate highschool, even though it was about a decade ago now. I’m also not ready to be 30. I swear I just turned 20 yesterday 😭
That’s true, but they still usually aim to be the first “next gen” console on the market every generation. Admittedly it probably would really affect them if they didn’t hit that but that’s how they’ve always done it
There was a candy machine at my local grocery store’s front lobby, and when I was around 8-9, my friend and I noticed that the top of the machine wasn’t attached properly. We removed the top and filled our pockets with candy. Unfortunately, I told my brother about it who told my parents who made me go apologise to the store owner
The joy and boredom of growing up in a small town
I would rather live in Germany than the poorest US state (or even the richest US state for that matter)
Yeah, obviously. The interesting thing is that the Witcher 3 and Bloodborne hold up so well though and are still actively talked about. The Witcher 3 still looks beautiful even without the recent upgrades and Bloodborne could look fantastic if it wasn’t limited by the PS4 specs.
It’s kind of a testament to the fact that we’ve mostly plateaud in terms of real graphical advances imo
I refuse to get my hopes up until a game is already released and even then I’m going to question it
No Stupid Questions wrapped™ could be kind of neat. I’m with you OP
I got this recently since I got really back into minecraft! It works really well, I just don’t recommend the really aggressive settings since if seems to break things
Here I am with people not even showing up until 9
Christmas is for family, NY is for friends
Throw a big party go to someone else’s big party.
dead internet
My favourite is the Québécois earth, it’s sassy
I’d rather not but I appreciate the offer
I was Celiac for most of my life without knowing it so yes I got quite good at it
Side note but fuck my doctor for just telling me it was anxiety for years and that it took seeing a random NP to actually get me tested
To be fair, that is kind of in alignment with UNIX philosophy though right? Not to start a flame war, but it’s kind of KDE going against that by trying to do everything. (I still ❤️ u tho KDE)
I do concede that it’s massively annoying that plugins break every update though
That’s very open of them
I drive a 2009 Honda Civic Hybrid because it was cheap and my city is too car centric to get away with no car. I walk more than I drive at least though
Knowing companies, they won’t realise anything and will just make their existing employees pick up the slack