Watermelon Meow Meow!
Watermelon Meow Meow!
Just keeping tabs on who is doing what in govt makes you way more informed for elections. Speaking out for things you want to see/change can sway how things turn out.
Federal govt gets all the focus (especially lately) but for a lot of things state and local govt is where it’s at. For example marijuana is STILL illegal on a federal level but more and more states are fine with it. Gun laws seem to have had a lot of change on a state level too.
For my area local (city/township) govt runs fire, ems, small business initiatives, zoning and events. County govt runs minor road maintenance, emergency management, hazmat/drone stuff etc.
And state govt does a ton of major road work, big picture planning and lawmaking and will sometimes tell the federal govt to pound sand.
You think him not being mentioned is a coincidence? I think it’s mainstream media doing damage control to reel in their prior reporting. Since he was at large for a while his face and later his name was EVERYWHERE. In cases of mass shootings the shooter is almost never mentioned or named anymore. There’s a reason for that
Media plays a big part in encouraging copycats looking for their weeks of infamy. In the past it used to be serial killers, then years ago it was mass shootings, and thanks to the instant stardom they gave Luigi the near future could very well be more assassinations.
Right or wrong his success was demonstrating that being rich doesn’t mean someone is untouchable.
Idk anything about roombas, but aside from those basic algorithms I assume there’s a ton of telemetry going back to corporate
Pedialite is great for rehydrating
If you have some time check out the Hardcore History Addendum episode “Superhumanly Inhuman” that delves into the nazis and the Holocaust. I just started it a few days ago
The reason why police have a ton of “militarized” equipment us because the military puts a lot of gear up for sale as surplus. Our county sheriffs picked up an old hummvee and MRAP for practically nothing.
Cybertrucks aren’t mil surp. Maybe years from now but not anytime soon
The OSS has a similar manual. This one may even be just a rebranding of the same thing. Essentially how to be a super shitty employee.
My favorite part was going to meetings and saying to think things over and wait until next meeting to finalize anything and use proper procedure no matter what. The idea is to make even the smallest most obvious decisions a bueaucratic slog. Shitty management and office politics 101
You get a sick Metal Gear game
They would have an “acting” president to make decisions but if the hostage pres was freed they would be put back in charge
And welcome to the watchlist btw
That’s no way to talk to your aunt sister cousin!
(btw if you have never heard the song “I’m My Own Grandpa” it’s worth a listen)
He has been at the head of a company for years. He is now in a position of overseeing and altering whole government organizations.
He knows the stakes, he knows the responsibility, he’s been in the public eye for a long time. The salute was legit that is out of the question, he could have made any number of different gestures but he did that particular one twice.
Now at BEST it was “just” a senseless and reckless lapse of judgement or some batshit level trolling. But even if I gave that benefit of the doubt why would I want someone with that little self control anywhere near the level of government that he is currently playing with?
If I was calling the shots I would show him the door and pull all US Govt support for anything he touches on principal alone. Not a fan of Trump but even he hasn’t pulled shit like this.
Yeah most recent I’ve seen was the Final Fantasy VII remake
like “Naughty Dog Yellow” for climbable interactive things? I don’t think so
That is exactly what I am trying to convey, thank you.
Red shirt is wrong for ignoring the pointing person. The person pointing out the nazi is right. I am trying to argue that the person pointing out the nazi and the people who conditioned red shirt to the point of ignoring a legitimate cry are not the same and ultimately did not help things.
Yeah I get that they would try to make noise to hide in. But I imagine that is not the majority of cases where someone is labeled as a nazi. Note this was from 2010, long before Trump entered politics.
And this isn’t to say I like, support or side with them it’s just people ignore the term after a while of hearing it everywhere for all kinds of things that don’t fit
I know, it’s the response from red shirt. He doesn’t listen to the guy calling out the nazi, explaining how it’s probably just overexaggeration.
It’s similar to the ending of the boy who cried wolf. It’s not that most people like wolves, or side with wolves, or think wolves aren’t a threat. It’s the person that that yells wolf is ignored when the real deal comes around.
I don’t like nazis. At all. But there is certainly an argument that the term had been used too loosely (I was just called one in this comment section ffs) and now people are making nazi salutes in DC and are being ignored.
Crying wolf…again. The guy in the comic has to specify “literally a nazi” because using the regular word’s meaning has been diluted so he has to put emphasis to specify it’s a “true” nazi, not just a “vague” nazi.
Yes it’s frustrating red shirt won’t turn around to see that it is in fact a true, no shit, actual, factual, punchable, dictionary definition of a nazi but that’s because the word has been overused. Your reply is proof.
It’s sad but he’s not wrong. Nazi has been used on so many people I’ve lost count and people wonder why it has lost effect
Wonderful! I hope you have a great time here in the US, I know I enjoyed my time in Germany
We, like, live in a society man