Now, in the 20s
Fuck, my back
Now, in the 20s
Fuck, my back
No I didn’t actually.
I’ve never bothered with the app.
I just use airplay and let HomeKit handle it and have had absolutely 0 issues with it.
My appleTV discovered it and provided it to HomeKit and I was done.
I’ve had my Sonos sound bar controlled by HomeKit since the day I bought it and have never needed to fuck with their app.
I guess I got lucky?
Against the storm is pretty fun
So I’ve been playing Marvel Rivals which uses Unreal 5 and it’s pretty and fairly responsive but I see so much “overwatch does this so much better” all over the place.
Being the utility engine seems to be showing some, but also maybe this could just be they need more time to refine in engine.
Crows love dog food and unsalted peanuts.
You want friends you ought to carry some in your pockets, caw politely and place some food down and walk off.
I have a murder that hangs out in front of my house that know me now.
Again my warning: THIS IS NOT A GOOD DRINKING GLASS! It’s difficult to get liquids in. Difficult to get liquids out. It’s difficult to clean. (it’s also difficult to make, if that’s any consolation. ) Please treat it as a mathematical curiousity rather than a practical cup.
Clearly that’s Finn dressed up as Fiona
No, I am Benchy!
The game never looked super great in screenshots, but when you’re playing it with the sounds and water moving and the sway of the boat and sails going, etc, it definitely becomes MUCH more engrossing and immersive.
I really dislike the notion of a SUV being considered a “hot hatchback”
Especially considering the hot hatch was born in the 70s
I will die on this hill.
Alone, no less.
Also it was a largely outdoor area, like half building half covered cement pad with exposed wood beams.
It was absorbent.
I was party to a spaghetti dinner food fight at a summer camp in the mid 90s.
The dining area smelled good for one day and then like rotting sweet death the rest of the week.
I’d like to be the first to put to words what the rest of us think in response to your opinion.
No U
(Joking, joking)
There are some edits out there that condense the films if you’re into that sort of thing.
Meanwhile you’ve triggered me to do a full 12.5 hour watch-through of my extended edition
My Corsair keyboards do not require an app to be installed forever.
If I want to customize colors and whatnot I need the app, otherwise there are some presets on the keyboard itself.
If I customize the colors, I use the app and do it and then uninstall the app and move on. This is presumably MUCH easier than trying to do this without an interface directly on the keyboard which I suppose would be the alternative.
It WOULD be nice to just be able to edit a text file and copy it over.
Vanilla is not plain.
Flavored by the bean of an orchid ….
Vanilla is exquisite
I dont have this set up so idk, but I do know automations are able to be coordinated based on location and who is present and when.
These constraints aren’t anything major is all that I’m saying
The wrong thread to stumble into during lunch, but that’s on me.