Welcome to Pondercat RSS!

Welcome to our Lemmy instance dedicated to RSS feeds! Here, you can easily subscribe to a variety of news sources presented as Lemmy communities. The bot automatically posts new RSS entries into their respective locations, which allows you to follow your interests and engage with content without leaving Lemmy.

If you don’t see a community for an RSS feed you would like to follow, create a post in !meta@rss.ponder.cat or send me a DM.

I’ll post announcements to this community when feeds get added, too, so subscribe if you want updates about new feeds.

Available Communities:


Science and Technology


Ars Technica Feeds

You can also subscribe to individual section feeds, instead of the overview Ars feeds:


Culture and Politics

Welcome! Glad to have you with us. If you have questions or want a new feed added, you know what to do.