Strider wasn’t the first to come up with balance bikes for kids specifically, they have been around for decades and balance bikes themselves, for a few hundred years.
Fwiw these days balance bikes are considered better than training wheels for people learning to ride. Training wheels are ok if you actually need to go somewhere accompanied by an adult on a bike, but they’re terrible for learning. They don’t teach you how to steer or balance properly; a balance bike does. In fact, training wheels can teach bad habits that are difficult to unlearn.
Taking off the pedals and training wheels of bikes and selling them to kids.
Wish I thought of that
Strider wasn’t the first to come up with balance bikes for kids specifically, they have been around for decades and balance bikes themselves, for a few hundred years.
Balance bikes were the OG bicycle so they have it backwards.
Didn’t know. Felt like I wasnt seeing them until recently
It certainly is a new thing in the US, but i saw plenty of these in Denmark a decade ago
Fwiw these days balance bikes are considered better than training wheels for people learning to ride. Training wheels are ok if you actually need to go somewhere accompanied by an adult on a bike, but they’re terrible for learning. They don’t teach you how to steer or balance properly; a balance bike does. In fact, training wheels can teach bad habits that are difficult to unlearn.