I am surprised that Google spends so much time tackling custom ROMs via it’s Play Integrity API. If only they paid that much attention to say, curating the Play Store more, it had be much better for everyone
I am surprised that Google spends so much time tackling custom ROMs via it’s Play Integrity API. If only they paid that much attention to say, curating the Play Store more, it had be much better for everyone
I think the main reason third-party ROMs aren’t more popular is that Google and certain app developers fuck with people who use them. The article addresses the difficulties later on, but comes up short in my view on just how much of a hassle it is for someone who isn’t a tech enthusiast who wants, for example to keep an older phone up to date for security reasons.
I think the main motivation for Google is limiting user control over the experience. More user control leads to unprofitable behaviors like blocking ads and tracking, which is also the motivation for recent changes to the Chrome web browser that make content blocking extensions less effective. In all cases, companies that try to take away user control claim the motivation is security, usually for the benefit of the user.
Got so tired of google pay breaking on crdroid that I got a credit card just to use my watch instead.
Still rocking a op7 pro on android 14.
Now I have an excuse to buy one of those gold plated credit cards!
There should be some safety net bypass hacks for magisk
There are different types of workaround but every single one of them is playing same cat and mouse game with Google. It works for a while, then it doesn’t, workaround is updated, it works, then it doesn’t, rinse and repeat.
I’m using a custom ROM but it’s so fucking tiring if I want to keep Google Wallet working. Fucking Google.
I just keep my credit card with me at all times. It doesn’t occupy much space, and google pay can go pound sand.
Custom ROM gang :)
I do that too, simply because I’m always carrying around my wallet anyway. But sometimes using my phone is handy (heh). It’s just that the constantly changing state or it working and not working makes it so that I can’t trust it to work, so I use it less.
I know the pain. Before I found a very obscure device fingerprint I could do a little spoofing with, I basically had to search the web like once a month for something that would let me bypass PIAPI again. It was exhausting.
Ironically enough soon after I found that obscure fingerprint I switched to paying with my credit card instead of my phone since my banking app couldn’t let me turn on contactless payments with my phone for whatever reason.
Not rooted, nor do I want to be.