Looking for recommendations for good ear protection during concerts. I want ear buds that don’t just muffle all the sound but limit higher unsafe frequencies while allowing you to still enjoy the music. I did a search and came up with a bunch of different kinds and varying reviews on amazon, I also asked my friend who is in the live audio business and he said I needed custom molded IEMs but that seemed a little over kill for me, even if it’s the best way.

This Site shows the common ones I’ve seen.


EDIT: thanks everyone for the reaponses, I will go through and look at each of the recommended solutioms works best for me.

  • 18-24-61-B-17-17-4@lemmy.world
    2 months ago

    I use EARPEACE ear plugs when riding my motorcycles but also use them at concerts. They have ones for moto, music, sport, and sleep but I just use my moto ones for everything. Haven’t tried any of the other varieties to see how they compare in the real world.

    I enjoy them because they cut down on the shitty frequencies that’ll damage your hearing but still allow you to hear things clearly. Also pretty nice that you get 3 ear plugs per order in case you lose one. It also comes with an aluminum carrying case for them so you can throw it in your pocket or bag and not have them get damaged or covered with pocket fuzz.

    They’re pretty damned inexpensive too for what they are.