• GregorGizeh@lemmy.zip
    2 months ago

    I feel very sorry for the beggars where I live but also hate them with a passion. I can’t go for groceries without two or three hawking the entrance to the store, ready to barrage anyone who looks mildly compassionate with sob stories.

    Worst I got taken was by a young woman who looked very in need of help, asking me to buy some food for her family. Gullible me thinks alright, I can spend 10€ on some kitchen staples so these guys don’t starve over the weekend, and took her into the store. Woman proceeds to absolutely stuff her basket with expensive meats, brand laundry detergent, diapers, to the point she literally can’t carry the fucking basket any more. Cost me almost 120€ in the end, about 6x what I spent on food for myself.

    Ever since then I will immediately recoil from anyone asking for help beyond the “classic” sitting quietly on the ground with a cup in front of them, because my scam alert has been readjusted in a bad way. I suppose I resent the woman more for destroying my compassion than for the money she tricked out of me.