How does it work that we eat few times a day, but usually we poop only once?

Is the colon somehow programmed to buffer the waste until the time is up and then dumps it all further?

Got this thought when observing my dog who eats twice a day (morning and evening) and more or less poops twice a day (morning and evening).

    2 months ago

    Science time!

    Fast for 24 hours then use an anal douche. This should completely clear your digestive track.

    Now eat for the next 24 hours while measuring everything you eat. Every time you poop make sure to measure it, either my measuring the poop directly (poop in a bowl?) Or by measuring the difference in weight after you poop (be sure to first pee as to not measure liquids)

    Now fast for another 24 hours while continuing to measure your poop. By the end of it you should have to total weight you eat and the total weight you pooped. For most foods you can probably reduce the weight by half to account for liquids (most will be pee, some will be in your poop, this will depend on the liquidness of your poop)

    Now you will probably notice a few things:

    1. you poop a lot less mass than you consume, this is because you turn a lot of it into energy.

    2. there is a lot of water in food

    3. you probably poop more than you think (one dump can be quite big in comparison to a meal when removing liquids)
