Social commentary cartoon that probably drives more discussion than laughs - not opposed to a range that includes a healthy mixture of everything from cheap laughs to this
yeah. now that I think of it thats pretty much what most political cartoons are. those ones in the comments sections with elephants and donkey. so I was likely being to harsh. its like not a comics section comic but obviously it is a comic. you know I never thought before how memes or at least political ones are so much like political cartoons.
im not offended by this but it itself is not funny. It feels like more of a meme than a comic.
Certainly can’t say it’s a knee slapper
Social commentary cartoon that probably drives more discussion than laughs - not opposed to a range that includes a healthy mixture of everything from cheap laughs to this
yeah. now that I think of it thats pretty much what most political cartoons are. those ones in the comments sections with elephants and donkey. so I was likely being to harsh. its like not a comics section comic but obviously it is a comic. you know I never thought before how memes or at least political ones are so much like political cartoons.
How is this not a comic? You need to learn how to take a comic
You need to educate yourself on why this is not a comic.
My butt hurts.
see thats the thing. I usually don’t really need to take a comic. its funny or at least amusing. this just feels like bitching.
“Take a comic” isn’t a real expression, they are doing a joke where they have paraphrased the second panel.
ok. that is funny. now that I look back at it. thanks.
And I commented that only because it was a joke over the comic itself, it just felt funny
yeah someone explained it to me. it flew over my head but was itself funny.