You can also just drop the youtube channel link (ex. ) as well into most readers and it’ll sort it out for you, so you don’t even have to go digging.
The home page is fine for me, it’s dialed pretty well into my tastes. I always click the don’t reccommend channel or video if I don’t like a recommendation.
Protip: Youtube channels have RSS feeds, they’re just buried in the source of the page. Ctrl-U and then Ctrl-F title=“RSS”
You can also just drop the youtube channel link (ex. ) as well into most readers and it’ll sort it out for you, so you don’t even have to go digging.
I wrote my own rss reader for youtubue, so it does this digging for me when I paste in a channel link :)
TIL. Gonna have to test this out my FreshRSS feed. Ty 🥰
It’s in order if you only use the subscriptions tab too
A couple weeks ago I did a poll and it turns out almost 25% of the people who “watch YT daily or almost daily” don’t know about the subscriptions tab.
It’s so weird, but explains so many people claiming to not see new uploads. They only use the home page and never the actual subscriptions
Interesting, whenever I see the home page videos my soul dies a little. Couldn’t handle that regularly
The home page is fine for me, it’s dialed pretty well into my tastes. I always click the don’t reccommend channel or video if I don’t like a recommendation.
The Trending tab, on the other hand… Yikes.