I’m not sure if people care all that much, but whenever I visit this community I can’t help but notice the fairly ugly icon and banner which is clearly AI generated.
Would it be worth updating these? Heck I can make something for the community if needed
I kind of dig the icon but yes, the banner is simply awful.
What exactly do you dig about the icon? 😅
For myself, I love the fact that it’s clear that it’s not an actual game controller, however you can tell it is meant to be. This gives the first glance look at a community that is gaming related without defaulting to a specific platform.
I would say that if the game controller icon gets changed it should keep that individuality, meaning that I wouldn’t recommend it become a picture of an actual controller or a diagram depicting an actual controller
The colors and it looks like a child’s drawing, which is fun.
Maybe into the fucking hell?