Obviously we all want to avoid enshittified (aggressively monetized) software or at least get our money’s worth. I’m looking at self-hosting software right now and one I’m looking has a pricing page but only for cloud (no other paywalled features) and is open source. I tried looking up future plans and didn’t find much, so it doesn’t seem like it will enshittify. (not related) I had thought about switching to Omnivore for a long time but then they merged with ElevenLabs and the rest is history.

  • lambalicious@lemmy.sdf.org
    1 month ago

    Technically the only way you can vet, is by having root access to their servers and law officer level access to their documents.

    Failing that, I can think of four baseline conditions to venture that a given product “shouldn’t” enshittify, or that at least the utility of the project is recoverable (or forkable) if it does:

    Req 0: Copiability. The software actually provides a full offline (or local) service. There’s no way (that I know of!) to enshittify something that can live fully independently from its “mothership”.

    Req 1: “Letter and Spirit”. License has to be Free Software (not just “Open Source”) with all the liberties that come with it. (I assume in the future, an exception might be made to allow for New Ethical licenses that would be not FOSS as per the current definition)

    Req 2: Reproducibility. Someone else has to have verified that using the source release builds the whole product (at most excepting “assets” like logos). This is usually verified empirically by someone getting to run and maintain a competing instance.

    Req 3: No bite hand. The provider must have not used legal measures to exercise violence or restrictions against users of the product (be those consumers or devs). This includes eg.: using the DMCA to punish reviews, or punish implementation of req 2.

    If a combination of provider and product completes those four requirements, I feel relatively well assured that the product can’t reasonably enshittify, or at least that if it were to happen, there will be enough advance notice and devel momentum that the value of the product can be recovered from it.