I still think VIII is the game that needs the remake more, with it desperately needing a gameplay revamp, and a properly explored story. Not to mention that we’d get an instant GOTY winner in music.
Yeah, FF8 is one of my least favourite in the mainline series.
The card game is great, but the actual RPG aspect ended up being dreadfully boring to me. The battle system was bland and easy, playing through the game casually (without even transforming any cards). I think I had one game over in the entire game, and maybe one other close call.
It has a lot of great elements, but the core gameplay left much to be desired.
What sucks is its story is so interesting, below the surface. Unfortunately, the game is never as good as the deep dive videos.
Remake VIII.
Yeah, I feel like the story had potential, but it needed to be presented better.
It’s like they thought the post-modern aspects of FF7’s story (that made it complex and a bit confusing) was what made it great, so they turned it up to 11 for FF8. But instead of having hints everywhere, I think it ended up being more sort of…blind-siding surprises.
Absolutely. Coincidentally I’m replaying through FF9 and it holds up fine with just some emulator bells and whistles. The art style helps a lot there.
I’ve tried to get into 8 a few times over the years but can never stick with it. I would be very interested in a 7 style remake with refactored mechanics.
I feel like these two don’t really need remaking, do they? VII was an obvious choice since it - as the first 3D iteration - aged horribly. I feel like IX still holds up, and the pixel art style of FFT doesn’t really age.
I’d be very surprised if Tactics is getting a full remake; this is likely more of a case of “remake/remaster” tending to be interchangeable terms in video game media and casual gaming discussion.
I’d expect to see something like the Tactics Ogre Reborn treatment. Final Fantasy Tactics desperately needs an orchestrated soundtrack like that project’s.
I tried ff7r at a friend’s, and if they do to ff9’s battle system what they did with ff7r, I’m never buying another Final Fantasy game again. IX could maybe do with a bit of a graphical touch up, it still looks pretty good on my vita, but on my TV in the living room it’s looking a bit muddy. Just a new shader or AA overlay and ported to lin/Mac/win, don’t fuck with the actual mechanics or systems, or make it into 17 separately purchased chapters at £100 each…you fucking cunts…
I mean based on 15,16 and 7R+ - this is what FF is now.
Yep, absolute trash.