The bandwidth of a station wagon just keeps increasing with advances in storage technology.
But a 10Gb/s line will do about 100TB in a day, so there’s not that many situations left where you have enough data to make the station wagon worth the effort. Wikipedia has a few examples, with the most recent being a truck doing 100PB for AWS. I think we passed station wagon station 10 years ago.
I don’t know anything about it, so hopefully someone else has more experience, but I found this, so I assume the answer is yes.
Great, this is much cheaper than my original plan of laying 9 kilometers of copper wire. Thanks!
I hope you plan to follow the respective standard for avian carriers.
RFC 1149, RFC 2549 , and RFC 6214
Referring to the death of a pigeon as “packet loss” feels like some weird form of low-tech cyberpunk.
Carrier pigeons make an excellent bandwidth benchmark though.
Sneaker networks (flash drives stores in sneakers) are still some of the highest bandwidth out there.
To this day, nothing beats a station wagon full of tapes hurtling down the highway.
The bandwidth of a station wagon just keeps increasing with advances in storage technology.
But a 10Gb/s line will do about 100TB in a day, so there’s not that many situations left where you have enough data to make the station wagon worth the effort. Wikipedia has a few examples, with the most recent being a truck doing 100PB for AWS. I think we passed station wagon station 10 years ago.
Latency is abysmal though