People are storming the streets and town halls, Elon is dissolving the whole country and Trump is busy tending Putin’s toes. Where the fuck are the democrats in all this crisis? It feels AOC is doing all the heavylifting while all the rest of them smug bunch are just watching with “told ya dis was gunn happen” drawn on their face.

Please tell me my ignorant ass is just blatantly wrong because I ain’t getting any news.

    14 days ago

    I was actually thinking about this. What if Trump is just a Martin shkreli

    Hear me out. The board of directors for pharma used Martin as a Patsy to do something illegal. Martin takes the heat while the board reaps the benefits and they throw Martin to the Sharks.

    What if this whole thing was all an act and they’re all using trump as a power grab. He’s tearing it all down and it benefits all of them, Democrat and Republican. When trump leaves, there will be so much power given to the owner class in the country while regulation and oversight is not what it was.