Smoking, and to a lesser extent non-combustible nicotine use, is associated with higher levels of alcohol consumption and risky drinking | Scientific Reports
www.nature.comThis study aimed to estimate differences in alcohol consumption, receipt of alcohol brief intervention, and alcohol reduction attempts by smoking status and use of non-combustible nicotine (including e-cigarettes, nicotine replacement therapy, heated tobacco products, or nicotine pouches). Data were from a representative household survey of adults in England (n = 188,878). Participants who reported former or current smoking scored approximately 1 point higher, on average, on the AUDIT-C (which measures alcohol consumption) than those who had never regularly smoked (Badj=0.97 [95%CI 0.93–1.00] and 0.92 [0.87–0.96], respectively) and had double the odds of risky drinking (AUDIT-C ≥ 5: ORadj=2.04 [1.98–2.10] and 2.03 [1.97–2.10], respectively), while differences for those who did versus did not use non-combustible nicotine use were less pronounced (AUDIT-C: Badj=0.14 [0.08–0.21]; AUDIT-C ≥ 5: ORadj=1.09 [1.04–1.13]). Among participants who engaged in risky drinking, those who smoked (vs. not) were more likely to report receiving alcohol brief interventions, and those attempting to quit smoking (vs. not) were more likely to report alcohol reduction attempts. Overall, combustible and - less so - non-combustible nicotine use is associated with higher levels of alcohol consumption and risky drinking.
I don’t envy researchers tasked with validating common sense conclusions, but someone has to do it
“do people with substance addictions also have other substances addictions” seems like a REALLY hard thing to control for too.
The paper doesn’t make any claims about causal relationships, it only looks at co-occurance. So no need to account for confounding factors.