Just some additional advertising for todays boycott.

  • Vespair@lemm.ee
    3 days ago

    Literally any action is better, and again, just because an idea has good intention doesn’t make it beyond criticism. Acknowledging and discussing the reality isn’t “shitting on” something, and the suggestion that it is is driving towards ignorance that benefits noone.

    Furthermore, I don’t need to know how to repair a roof to identify a leak. Instead of trying to fight my suggestion that this is meaningless, why don’t you try instead to prove with any kind of verifiable reasoning or evidence that this protest will be impactful. Give me some kind of source that supports this idea that doesn’t fall down to “I think” or “it might.”

    You guys are the ones making the claim here - that this protest is viable. Fucking back it up.

    • stickly@lemmy.world
      3 days ago






      I’ve walked you through it multiple times and you just choose to ignore it. If 300 million Americans did this for one day there would be an economic shockwave, businesses don’t budget around NOT HAVING REVENUE. Even IF they make up the difference later.

      Next time I’m a day late on rent, I’ll just tell my landlord me having money tomorrow is just as good as today. I’m sure he’ll accept that as payment.

      So then is your argument it won’t be widespread enough to have an impact? Because that’s not the criticism you’re offering, you’re completely dismissing it.

      • Vespair@lemm.ee
        3 days ago

        🚨 BEING

        🚨 LOUDER

        🚨 AND

        🚨 MORE

        🚨 PASSIVE

        🚨 AGGRESSIVE

        🚨 DOESN’T

        🚨 MAKE

        🚨 YOUR

        🚨 POINT

        🚨 MORE

        🚨 VALID

        Show me the impact. Give me examples of comparable protests and show me the real world verifiable and measurable impact which they have resulted in.

        My argument is that the scope and scale of this protest renders it moot. These are real factors.

        And paying your monthly rent with established due dates is non-comparable to additional discretionary spending which is tracked in market quarters. Not to mention the fact that tons of us have had to give our landlords rent checks late tons of time before and the overall impact is the goddamn same.

        So again, show me the relevant example of comparable impact and I’ll concede. Otherwise, I’m going to keep rightly telling you that your performative protest is about your own feelings rather than any actual impact.

        • stickly@lemmy.world
          3 days ago

          You’re clearly upset because you THINK it won’t have an impact and you WISH they were doing something else. Which is weird because this protest doesn’t preclude them from doing anything?

          Its not like I’m choosing to use a sick day today or next week to attend one protest or the other.

          I’m sad I can’t get you to understand how businesses run or basic economics. Even if you pretend no businesses are running on fumes and that missing a payment doesn’t have an impact for anyone doesn’t make it true.

          Or what about this brain blast: not all demand is the same. If I skip lunch today I won’t buy lunch twice tomorrow to make up for it… If everyone did that, all restaurants lose 3% of their monthly revenue automatically. Is that not an impact? Is there a magic percentage that it needs to meet to be “impactful”?

          Did you ever consider what would happen if it wasn’t just you but everyone in the city was late on rent? You’re conflating an individual action’s impact with collective impact. Your landlord can price in some percentage of missed payments the same way that a store can price in shoplifting. Being drastically off on that estimate is still a problem.

          Again, if you’re arguing the protest won’t be widespread enough that’s fine. You could even argue that small businesses will be unfairly targeted by this protest and I’m here for it. But ineffective is not the same as performative.

          • Vespair@lemm.ee
            3 days ago

            I continue to wait for examples from comparable scenarios that support the claim being made.

              • Vespair@lemm.ee
                3 days ago

                No, you didn’t. You gave a hypothesis and then justified with assumptions, providing absolutely nothing concrete to support them beyond “trust me bro”.

                Give me any kind of data to support the claim.

                • stickly@lemmy.world
                  3 days ago

                  Brother: restaurant no get money, money no come next day.

                  That’s not making any assumption. This type of protest hasn’t been tried in America at scale, how can I possibly present data. Who knows what the impact will be, why don’t we find out before we lable it pointless?

                  Do you have any data showing that me standing in front of my city hall on Tuesday with a sign makes a difference? Because it’s been tried quite a few times since Occupy and nothing has improved. Or is that also operating off of “trust me bro”?

                  This is coming from a person who wants to do both. Is your argument that we should do nothing?

                  • Vespair@lemm.ee
                    3 days ago

                    I want you to know that I am treating your concerns seriously and have been writing a response, but it is already 5000 characters long and I need to eat dinner, so I hope you will allow me the courtesy of replying in time without assuming that I am either conceding or disregarding your comment.