I still remember when the first (and maybe only?) time I’ve had a GPU driver crash in Windows. It just restarted the driver and had a little popup saying what had happened. So far ahead of Linux; I think that was like 10 years ago.
Would be nice if Linux could catch up.
i’m sorry but isn’t the current way of “informing” user-space that it just fucking dies? Because that’s my experience with GPU issues, it either works perfectly fine or everything is clown-vomit and the computer completely shits itself.
Thanks for the laugh.
Hung GPU 😍😍😋
Abandon Nvidia for well hung and open GPUs
wt actual f is happening in that picture
Using a PCI screw bracket as a bottle opener
Now that you mention it yeah…
Looks like they’re using a dremel like tool to cut the PCI bracket, maybe to fit it in a smaller case or something?
the whole card has been ripped in half…
There’s always a beer in Phoronix articles. Please drink responsibility, ie as little as possible.
Alcohol is only good when being used to clean thermal paste residue.
I had problems that seemed like GPU problems quite a few times when testing stuff and wondered if there was a good way to check it.
Was thinking if the serial debugger is still in use and whether Linux gives useful output in that for me to set one up.