Hi! I want to selfhost a minecraft server for my kid and hjs friends. I havent played minecraft in quite a few years …
Where do I start to self host one?
I am already seflhosting lost of stuff from 'Arrs to Jellyfin and Immich and more, so I am not asking on how to do it technically, but where to look for and what to host for a proper Minecraft server!
Edit: choosed to setup this https://github.com/itzg/docker-minecraft-bedrock-server and so far, super smooth and easy peasy!
My kids and I use https://github.com/itzg/docker-minecraft-bedrock-server and I would recommend it.
Hi, ended up using your suggestion, super smooth and easy.
Hijacking: With the above solution, it’s also super easy to install modpacks and I would recommend Modrinth as both the modded Minecraft launcher and mod-shareplace.
Went the same route last year and had no issues.
Just FYI bedrock will only work if the kids are on tablets.
Edit: and consoles
Bedrock is on all platforms, pc included. Java is PC only.
On windows, how do you install Minecraft? I got into a loop of fucking MS bullshit that want me to pay $$€ just for installing it and it feels… scammy…
Well, it’s Microsoft after all… But I cannot believe now Minecraft is pay to run…
Hosting the server is free. I’m actually not sure about windows because I don’t use that. We actually play on our iPads. We have a family set up. Pay once for the app, everybody gets to install it on their own device.
For free stuff I think people run Java edition? Again, I’ve never done that. There is an itzg Java server container https://github.com/itzg/docker-minecraft-server
FWIW Bedrock lets you connect to servers online that have free games to play like Bed Wars, Sky Wars, Block Party. I don’t know if Java has that.