The encrypted messaging app Signal has stopped responding to requests from Ukrainian law enforcement regarding Russian cyberthreats, a Ukrainian official claimed, warning that the shift is aiding Moscow’s intelligence efforts.
The article explains everything. The gist is Russians are targeting Ukrainians with phishing attacks via Signal. There also is the suggestion they’re exploiting the linked devices functionality, though I’m not sure how.
Not sure. Might be political tension. Might be that phishing attacks are typically user error, and Signal feels like at a certain point it’s not their responsibility. Hard to say beyond conjecture, and I didn’t see a clear reason given in the article.
The article explains everything. The gist is Russians are targeting Ukrainians with phishing attacks via Signal. There also is the suggestion they’re exploiting the linked devices functionality, though I’m not sure how.
Appreciate this, I don’t click links lol
Apparently if they can get you to scan some bogus qr code they can get you add their device to your account.
Why signal not cooperating tho? Following us government?
I strongly suggest doing so if you want to understand what the article is about
Comment section is all I need
Not sure. Might be political tension. Might be that phishing attacks are typically user error, and Signal feels like at a certain point it’s not their responsibility. Hard to say beyond conjecture, and I didn’t see a clear reason given in the article.
That’s not how anything works