You don’t have to “sign up”. You can just scroll down a bit to the “Find A Protest Now” button, or click the direct link I provided above.
ETA, you don’t even need a clever sign to hold up. Just being present is good enough.
You don’t have to “sign up”. You can just scroll down a bit to the “Find A Protest Now” button, or click the direct link I provided above.
ETA, you don’t even need a clever sign to hold up. Just being present is good enough.
I highly recommend not visiting this website, but if you absolutely should please use Tor. The log collection policy of this website is unknown and god forbid somehow the logs are obtained it could be used against you.
This is good advice. Thoth here’s a thought. Most people around here know about tor and VPNs and http proxies and whatever else. And even without that probably in general leave a more anonymous footprint on the web. I’m betting there are millions of “normies” visiting that site from their phones following FB or X (lol) or IG or TikTok links. (Which would be the same phones they will have on them when they attend one of these protests. ) But I’m betting there’s millions of visitors. Trump can’t even deport millions of people, much as he’d like to claim. If they start arresting millions for visiting a website (not that they’d have anywhere to put them) that would certainly have people rioting in the streets.
And then the paramilitary rounds up the rioters and they get locked in concentration camps too.
Everyone should always be using Tor for any activism.