There are dozens of us.
I am one of the proud new users, and this is great to see!
Its still a shame that I will never recommend this place to anyone I know until the community changes here.
Its a bit chicken and the egg cause we likely need one for the other. But with the users proclivity for bans, and blocks you end up with a user base even smaller and discussion that more feels like a battle to be right most of the time because intellectual superiority is looked up to rather than conversation.
I still think a community of people competing to be the most right in every comment section does not lead to actual community and doesn’t even help provide facts or info to most communities when there are not many niches to which people in here can participate in. Objective facts work best not in fandoms but in crafts. Like what glue doesn’t melt Styrofoam when doing prop building not which show or game is best.
I may be alone in this but I yearn for “the normies”.
a community of people competing to be the most right in every comment section
I think this depends highly on the type of community. (Although clearly I’m doing it to you right now. Sorry.)
Highly political topics and such are the worst, probably. But others where people come because of a shared interest, like a sport or food or animal or something, a hobby, I think tend to be more chill and mellow.
You would think. I still won’t go back to the gardening community. And will probably just stop participating in anything around here.
The problem is that there is still to few others than those types. The topic seems secondary. The mellow places are where it’s empty.
Maybe it also depends on the topic. But there are always gonna be annoying people everywhere you go in life. 🥲
Just keep posting and being the type of person you want to see as a community member here. The other site was exactly like you described above for a very long time!
I can’t be responsible for changing others. That is an unfair request.
This is great but i feel like we still need some speciality communities that will drive people here. This is an amazing start though
I hope they feel welcomed here to stick around. I’ve quit Reddirt in 2023 during the API exodus, came to Lemmy and never looked back.
Samesies. About the only thing I ever go back for is askhistorians
About the only thing I ever go back for
Honestly, I miss some subs. But I just cut my losses. The usability and UI of the site went to shit. The toxicity was horrible. The site policies went to shit. No third party apps. No point.
I only come back to answer necrobumps and one time to update my own post that was a support question where I managed to figure out the answer. I don’t want to leave behind those forum posts like in XKCD where they have the same issue but don’t answer anything. 😅
I think it’s OK here, but some communities here are a bit shit and very vocal
Fantastic! New people (and old as well), please give to the community! Post and/or comment as much as possible, to make Lemmy an even better place!
You can do so by just regularly commenting and/or posting, but also by creating new communities and bringing some activity to inactive ones!
Help the communities you like to see grow.
Just making one or two posts in communities that seem dead gets the ball rolling in making them alive.
It also motivates others to post.
I hope this keeps growing. I’m loving it here, and the fediverse idea is amazing. I hope we succeed and descentralize social media. Power to the people again
Lemmy is more polished and populated now than before. Hope influx stays and we got all the real people from reddit and bots stay there.
Onboarding process is definitely smoother, and we fixed a lot of the Federation bugs. Usability is an all-time high. I don’t know what the critical mass is, but we are definitely gaming momentum.
Reddit refugee here. Can I say Luigi?
Only if you finish in a sock or something.
Can you say Luigi lol. Son, you’re required to pledge allegiance to Luigi before every post you make here.
Can I say Luigi
This is exactly what I was wondering.
And we love you for it❤️
I’ll just say, the more I hang around Lemmy, the more I enjoy the genuine conversations. It feels like less snark, less joke replies, and just a generally more community-type feeling. Reminds me of when I first tried Reddit after leaving Digg way back when.
Hopefully, us exiles can leave the Reddit back at Reddit.
A democracy, if you can keep it, in a sense. Lemmy is healthy. Time will tell if the idea works, but I think it is a huge advantage tearing away corporate ownership and really investing in a platform that is owned by its users.
I find a bunch of snark here, but it absolutely feels more genuine. With reddit it felt like half the comments I saw were from bots. More than half, maybe.
I hate everyone on lemmy but at least I’m hating people
Yeah, fighting with bots is just boring. At least if a human gets mad at me it’s more real.
Aw. We hate you too.
I feel the exact same, and I’ve been hanging around here for almost two years (the great 3rd party app exodus of ‘23).
This place feels more like a community filled with people versus a firehose of internet wrapped in layers of corporate and right wing BS.
Reddit was almost exclusively read-only for me. Here, I am commenting all the time.
This is one of the reasons I stayed. It was still small enough back then that you actually started to recognize people you had conversations with, and not just the troll farms.
I like a lot of things here better than Reddit. For one thing, I don’t see the stupid buzzwords like literally or cringe in 98% of all posts. There’s no hivemind here…yet. And hopefully there won’t be.
Also not the same 5 memes repeated for 15 years.
Yeah in a few days I’m going to delete my Reddit account, liking this place so far, you get news and genuine discussion.
Don’t close it. Get permabanned instead. Make those fuckers miserable.
Get in some good trouble.
Woo! That’s awesome. I am seeing quite a few more people.
We are already successful, I’m seeing stories, news articles, and videos that normally would never get pushed to the top. We can actually talk about things without overwhelming censorship, strange algorithms, or ads.
We can actually talk about things without overwhelming censorship, strange algorithms, or ads.
Maybe just maybe a link aggregator and discussion platform doesn’t need to make money. Maybe it can just be good and make the users happy.
Let’s go! I hope to see these numbers continue to go up as the days go on.
Worth noting is that what counts as an “active user” has changed between now and then. During the Reddit API exodus, an “active user” was a user who had posted or commented in the past month. Now, it includes users who have voted. If the 54k MAU record was set using the first algorithm, it is likely that the MAU using the new algorithm (which includes voting) would have been much higher.
Huzzah, us lurkers now count towards the global stats!
I think that change was done way back when. Do you have a reference for the algorithm change? I tried a quick search and came out empty.
The change was merged in Dec 2023 (see here). The Reddit Exodus was in summer 2023.
Thanks 👍 has been lagging for me lately idk if it has to do with all the new signups
You know it’s bad for Reddit when people were even talking about going back to Digg
Digg still exists?
They just announced they were coming back the other day 😂