They might be a little bit behind the successful innovators, but I think anyone actually observing the data and shaping their policy accordingly will be fine.
We all knew productivity in at least US companies was up as a consequence of home office. It was all over the news. It’s just that management either don’t understand the data or are unwilling to shape their policies by it.
In general, people make decisions based on their convictions, not based on evidence.
It’s interesting times. The difference between traditional management and progressive leadership will determine which companies get to exist.
A manager waiting for data to show what path to take will always be behind the leaders when times are changing.
They might be a little bit behind the successful innovators, but I think anyone actually observing the data and shaping their policy accordingly will be fine.
We all knew productivity in at least US companies was up as a consequence of home office. It was all over the news. It’s just that management either don’t understand the data or are unwilling to shape their policies by it.
In general, people make decisions based on their convictions, not based on evidence.