And don’t say humans, too obvious, too cynical.

I’d delete mosquitos.

The only negative effect I can think of would be fish won’t have mosquito larvae to eat and their diet would have to shift.

  • Gyoza
    10 months ago

    Hard to say. Mosquitos, is probably not one of them because even as much as we hate them, many animals prey on them, so unless other insect replaces them as a food source for those animals, them disappearing would probably affect many other species and subsequently, other species that may feed or depend in some form on those that feed on mosquitos.

    My answer would probably be ticks, since I don’t think there’s many animals that feed on them and their only usefulness is population control, which should be doable by other species either way.

    Edit: bed bugs as well, since it was mentioned by other commenters, I hate those fuckers and last I checked they weren’t any animal’s primary food source.