Pretty much the title. I’ve been watching more realistic super hero shows like The Boys and Invincible. The reoccurring themes is that with great power comes great immorality.

I think it’s easy for us normies to respect other people and their property because there are clear consequences for violating social norms. But what would the average person do if they had super powers?

    10 months ago

    For sure. I wouldnt outright hurt people but id definitely do things to improve my own life. Assuming it’s the kind of time stopping power where I am not affected and can still interact with objects I’d use sports or roulette gambling to get rich. Easy to manufacture winning with time stopping powers in either.

    If I wanted to be ethical I guess I could put on some sort of circus/magician act with tricks and feats abusing the power but I don’t know how rich you can get off what would be perceived as a really good trick.

    Id also like to know the extent of the ability, if I stop time indefinitely, do I still age or am I immortal in a paused world? Can I stop time travel the world and see every sight and read every book then restart everything having lost nothing aside from my own sanity?

    This is important because it determines if it’s worth trying to be a super hero with this power imo. If I can stop time and help people avoid death all while being able to go right back to where I was losing no true time it’s worth it, otherwise I’d still be aging and I’d grow older faster than everyone around me. Id die earlier in real time if I continue to age while I stop time for everything else. If that’s the case I’d only use the ability really for my own benefit.

          10 months ago

          He did not outright tell that it would be unetical but he implied it.

          …gambling lottery… But if I wanted to be ethical

          Imply that the roulette part is unethical.

          He said he would do it tho, so I guess it’s not unethical enough for him not to do it. Stealing is unethical but yeah, it’s casino, so it’s not that bad.