For example, something that is too complex for your comfort level, a security concern, or maybe your hardware can’t keep up with the service’s needs?
- My own search engine (a meta search engine like searx-ng would be fine though)
- a tor exit node, because don’t want to deal with the legal hassle (i run snowflake on multiple machines though)
- a SMTP relay (recieving email is easy. Sending email is a pain in the ass)
Tor exit node, public Lemmy instance.
Anything that the family uses. Because when I cease to exist, my wife isn’t gonna take over self-hosting! So e-mail, chat, documents etc.
Password manager like Bitwarden. I’d rather they take care of it for me. The consequences would be too great if I messed it up.
I feel like I’m having a change of heart on NextCloud… Every time some little thing breaks I have to figure out how to fix it
For updates yeah. I used to run it with docker and just about every other major update would break it. Then I went to bare metal…still broke. Now I have it on yunohost and its…better. Its only broken once last year. But heavy backups is how I deal with it.
Backups. Cloud services like Backblaze B2 are so cheap for the durability they offer, it just doesn’t make sense for me to roll my own offsite solution with a Raspberry Pi at my parents’ house or something. Restic encrypts everything before it leaves my machine.
Password manager- it’s too important and it’s the thing that has to work for me to recover when I break something else. I’m happy to support Bitwarden with a few bucks a year.
Email- again, it’s mission critical and I have a habit of tinkering with things and breaking them. And it’s just no fun. The less I need to think about email, the happier I am.
That’s what “1” in the “3-2-1” backup strategy stands for, a true offsite backup (preferably continent where you do not reside) For “2” I would still deploy a local offsite at someone’s house for quick disaster recovery.
Downloading your 10TB data from B2 (or even requesting a tarball HDD from them) is costlier than recovering from an offsite backup facility within an hour’s reach.