So, I’m looking for a career change since I’m probably going to move to a city of approx 200K people. What’s something that everyone needs either it’s simple or more complex?
Not interested in funeral services 😛
Plumber or electrician.
Mechanic, mortician, nurse, doctor.
Especially in remote areas: doctor.
Electrical involves less working in messy situations but you’ll also be cold more often.
I do think electrician offers more ways to specialize (network cabling, alarm tech, etc). Plumbing may also but I’m not as familiar.
Salespeople. I’m going to get downvoted for this, but there’s always good sales jobs for the right person.
Look into the trades.
Rock solid employability, especially if you’re competent in self-employment.
You get to experience, 1st-hand, middle-class & upper-middle-class prejudice/contempt/denigration-programming, too
( which is useful karmically: many of us are unconsciously-wired to buy-into class-system-based-“validity”/status,
and facing into karma, or, as Yehoshua “Jesus” benJoseph said the same thing, “taking up one’s cross”, as a means of destroying the unconscious-ignorances that undermine our Eternities/Souls/CellsOfGod in THEIR evolution is strategically wise, see?
I don’t want my Soul/ChildOfGod EVER getting caught in some life due to its unconsciousness, ever again!
Rip the unconsciousness-rule “strategy” right out from the ground, you know?
I needed 7y of outright-homelessness to finally crack my unconscious-mind’s sticking-to-class-prejudice,
and I still haven’t ripped out all of the remnants,
but the core of it cracked a decade ago, and my life is free-er as a result, the Eternity I’m just a little participant in, is no longer “stuck on a rock, in the rapids” of Eternity/karma…
Facing into karma, as a means of freeing one’s Soul can be immensely empowering.
Also, smart tradespeople outcompete many, being able to make/earn their economic-autonomy much quicker than the “professional” rat-race/treadmill people do.
( partly that has to do with a good trade ticket taking only 1-2y, whereas a 4y university-degree is … worthless, economically, worse, it is tons-of-debt. )
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