The great Jeff Vogel discusses the Unity event.

    8 months ago

    The point in the article isn’t bad, but what he is forgetting is whatever version of Unity his engine depends on, will always be available. It’s not actively being worked on really, unless you intended to update to a later release but most don’t need to. Doesn’t matter if Unity goes down, they will always have a product, they’ll just get smaller and privatize which isn’t a bad thing.

    Unity made a gazillion dollars and wasted it all on acquisitions it had no business managing. They poofed a billion easy on those and people got extremely profitable payoffs and retirement plans. All this while they play is for fools.

    As a Unity employee who was recently let go I know it’s still a total shitshow, and we’re all better off cutting our losses and not planning improvements on the Unity version of our games. At least Unreal isn’t bleeding money and backtracking on a bad business model.