Hello, I started to experience a problem with Mull and Duolingo (and also bromite) that started about 1 month ago.

Basically Duolingo tells me that my browser is not supported but it worked perfectly fine before. Anyone experienced this issue? I can’t find an issue on mull repo apparently about this specific issue. Dunno if it is something about resisting fingerprint but I wonder why that happens…

  • Tangent5280@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    Hey, I don’t want to discourage your language learning, but duolingo really sucks as a language learning platform. It honestly doesn’t teach you anything about actually using a language.

    You might be much better served by using something like babbel, memrise or even better, Rosetta Stone. They are paid options, but well worth the price I think.

    • stoly@lemmy.world
      1 year ago

      We got it for funsies and went through the final Spanish test. We’re both fluent speakers, he’s native. We were unable to pass the final tests–not because we didn’t speak Spanish, but because it was actually a subjective interpretation of what was being said rather than an objective one, btu they treated it like it were objective. Basically you have to learn it THEIR way. As a linguist, this is a big no-no and I walked away.

    • WIZARD POPE💫@lemmy.world
      1 year ago

      I would love to switch to something else but I have not found anything that peopme say is good that offers Norwegian. Do you have any suggestions?