Anyone else have a similar experience with one of these drives?

    1 year ago

    Yes, actually.

    I do have multiple redundancy set up , but I’ve had many a sandisk drive fail, and a few wd my passports too. Now, the WDs were refurbs that I throw media on for the home network, or plugging into my shield, or like that. So I am never surprised when they just don’t work one day.

    But the sandisk were brand new, and failed within weeks. It made me give up on the brand entirely. I just don’t like having to deal with my backups failing at that kind of rate. They are good about replacing them, but damn. I think I did two swaps on the one drive, three on another, and then just demanded a refund from the third. The one I use on my dad’s computer was the triple fail, and we finally got one that’s stayed working for a while now.

    The other died after six months and I just trashed it and gave up.

    I’ve also had horrible experiences with sandisk sd cards. They could be fakes, what with having bought them via amazon though.