I’m trying to move away from Authy since they’re ending support for their desktop app, and I thought Aegis would be the right app for me to jump to, but it doesn’t seem to have a desktop app. So I’m wondering what FOSS apps the rest of you use for Desktop and Mobile 2FA?
That makes absolutely no sense.
If your mobile device is compromised they’ll have access to it there also.
Modern smart phones were architected from the beginning to have app isolation. That makes the difference.
Your phone runs by default like a Linux system with selinux in mls mode with 100% coverage mls isolation policies baked in. That’s just a more secure foundation to build on. No Linux distro today has selinux in mls mode with 100% binary coverage with isolation policies.
Using your phone is a good safe compromise. Unless you are running Qubes OS you aren’t going to beat it.