This could be a tool that works across the entire internet but in this case I’m mostly thinking about platforms like Lemmy, Reddit, Twitter, Instagram etc. I’m not necessarily advocating for such thing but mostly just thinking out aloud.

What I’m imagining is something like a truly competent AI assistant that filters out content based on your preferences. As content filtering by keywords and blocking users/communities is quite a blunt weapon, this would be the surgical alternative which lets you be extremely specific in what you want filtered out.

Some examples of the kind of filters you could set would for example be:

  • No political threads. Applies only to threads but not comments. Filters out memes aswell based on the content of the media.
  • No political content whatsoever. Hides also political comments from non-political threads.
  • No right/left wing politics. Self explainatory.
  • No right/left wing politics with the exception of good-faith arguments. Filters out trolls and provocateurs but still exposes you to good-faith arguments from the other side.
  • No mean, hateful or snide comments. Self explainatory.
  • No karma fishing comments. Filters out comments with no real content.
  • No content from users that have said/done (something) in the past. Analyzes their post history and acts accordingly. For example hides posts from people that have said mean things in the past.

Now obviously with a tool like this you could build yourself the perfect echo chamber where you’re never exposed to new ideas which probably is not optimal but it’s also not obvious to me why this would be a bad thing if it’s something you want. There’s way too much content for you to pay attention to all of it anyway so why not just optimize your feed to only have stuff you’re interested in? With a tool like this you could quite easily take a platform that’s an absolute dumpster fire like Twitter or Reddit and just clean it up and all of a sudden it’s useable again. This could possibly also discourage certain type of behaviour online because it means that trolls for example could no longer reach the people they want to troll.

    7 months ago

    How much will it cost? It can’t be funded by pushing sponsored content or scraping my data, so it must be paid for by the user? Idk how much I’m willing to pay for a fairytale tool that won’t ever work as well as you have in mind.

    “No politics with the exception of good-faith arguments”, that’s subjective. AI has to learn from actual data, so a user will have to repeatedly say what is/is not “good faith” in their perspective to train the AI. It could be trained on a larger set of users, but then its definition of “bad faith” won’t be tailored to the individual user.

    Blocking foul language doesn’t require AI. There are browser add-ons that do that already.

    No content from users who have “done something” in the past. Already a problem with attempted solutions, already bypassed by the offender just making another anonymous account.

    So 1) I have to pay for this tool and 2) lots of problems that make me skeptical about what it’s actually providing to me means no thank you. At least, not until it’s out, in use, and heavily vetted by people who know more about AI than I do.