I can’t root my phone because I don’t have an image for it (Moto G73) although I’d like to, but for some reason my banking app thinks it’s rooted and refuses to work. This happened just after I updated it, it wasn’t happening before.

Edit: I’m regretting not getting the Motorola Edge 40 Neo, which also costs £250, but is slightly better in multiple ways, and seems like it has better root support.

  • Skull giver@popplesburger.hilciferous.nl
    1 year ago

    Hmm, weird. That website wasn’t in any of my Google search results. I guess it’s because of their weird SPA design? It also seems to provide security update information from before the phone was released? Your link just provides a bunch of details about CVEs for me.

    But I looked again at the Motorola site and it does appear the phone receives updates up until 2026, so you’re absolutely right. Motorola should really publish this data somewhere easier to find, IMO.