BETA - Version

Platform: Mac, Linux, and Windows


  • (Agents) Some attributes were missing from legacy agent api responses (#14436)
  • (Analysis) MP4 Atom Parsing could fill logs (#14418)
  • (Automatic Scanning) Symbolic links with missing targets could cause changes to later entries in a directory not to be detected (#14398)
  • (DVR) Could not record a show if a show with the same name (such as a remake) and episode number already existed in the target library (#13444)
  • (DVR) Devices could fail to be recognized when IP addresses change (#13529)
  • (DVR) Multi-lineup DVRs could be created as single-lineups (#14395)
  • (DVR) Tuning in channels could fail for channel names containing special characters (#14391)
  • (Debian) Remove GPG lower version limit (Music) Scanning music could be pathologically slow in some cases (#14389)
  • (Playlist) Adding a Clip to a playlist would unexpectedly convert it to a photo playlist (#14381)
  • (Transcoder) An incorrect fallback font could be used when burning subtitles in some cases (#14357)
  • (Transcoder) Certain newer AMD GPU models couldn’t be used for hardware transcoding on Linux (#14416)