Yesterday I passed a barbershop and saw ads on their wall outside of men with beards and short hair. It is a revival or saving electricity ?
Yesterday I passed a barbershop and saw ads on their wall outside of men with beards and short hair. It is a revival or saving electricity ?
I’m a unix-guru.
If I were to shave I’d get a -5 penalty on my bash magic.
If I skip showers for a month I can interface directly with any device in /dev
None of /dev will want your interface.
/dev/zero will always be accepting.
I hate it when when my local /dev/shm gets smelly.
Samson was actually a sys admin whose servers had incredible uptime until his beard was shaved.
So says the unix bible
He can’t take that risk! Don’t you know what you’re asking?
GROSS! And can you fix my nvidia drivers???