So, say I get a set of chromosomes from my Mum which contains the X chromosome and the same from my Dad, but with the Y chromosome. I now have two sets of the same 22 chromosomes, plus an X and a Y.

For chromosome number one for example, is everything from my Dad’s side activated? My Mum’s? Or is is a random selection of genes within each chromosome?

And does the X chromosome do anything for me, or is it turned off, and only used if I pass it on to the next generation?

Follow up question: I believe that women actually recombine their X chromosomes when passing these on, but men can’t recombine X and Y. So everything on your Dad’s side stays the same. Does this have any impact? For example are you more likely to inherit genetic defects from your Dad’s side?

    4 months ago

    Everyone is talking about dominant and recessive genes, so I just want to clarify a couple things.

    The way your body directly uses genes is as a blueprint to construct proteins. Your cells are always producing proteins from the genes in all your chromosomes. It has complex ways of regulating how much of each it produces, but your body doesn’t care what chromosome it’s coming from. Once an embryo is fertilized, there’s really no distinction between “mom” chromosomes or “dad” chromosomes, as far as the embryo and its protein machinery are concerned.

    “Dominant” and “recessive” characterization is about how those proteins affect your body at the macro scale, not whether your body actually uses the gene and produces its proteins – it always does that. For example, brown hair is a dominant trait, and blonde is recessive. But this is because producing any amount of brown pigment will make your hair brown, regardless of what other pigments you’re making, simply because it’s darker. Literally the same as combining blonde and brown paint. It has nothing to do with whether the genes are actually being expressed – the brown hair gene doesn’t stop the blonde hair gene from making its pigments.

      4 months ago

      Also another misconception: There aren’t like a small number of genes and it’s not like each gene has a specific function. There are soooooo many genes and they all interact in unique and interesting ways. We’ve been trying to figure out what genes do what and how they interact for decades and have had only limited success.

      Think of it like a lot of source code, but the source code is millions of years old and written by junior devs on their first week whilst high. There is a lot of stuff in there that does nothing, or seems to do a lot of things only to be completely voided by some other piece of code. Or it actually does something, but on the macro scale it’s pretty useless and doesn’t matter at all. All the code is spaghetti code, it all interacts and somehow a human being is formed by the result. To put this into context: mice have about 80% of the same sourcecode as us.