I think there are much better social media platforms for sharing clips. From what I’ve seen, most of Twitter is people angrily typing opinions at each other, so your target demographic may not be there. The UI is designed for text rather than video, and responses/reactions don’t integrate nicely with videos.
Sharing game clips on video-oriented social media makes a tonne sense, however.
Also Nintendo and Sony are Japanese companies and Twitter is (or was? I stopped using Twitter even before it was sold, so I am not quite up to date) insanely popular in Japan, that’s most likely the reason why it’s Twitter.
I get we hate Twitter and rightfully so, but you really don’t see the value for a direct pipeline from consoles to a major social media platform?
People watching other people play video games (streaming, esports, etc) is a multi-billion dollar industry lol
Yeah sharing fun clips or a screenshot from a game you’re playing seems as valid as posting any other video or picture you’ve taken to social media.
The headache of moving it from console -> phone/computer as well. Too many steps usually.
I think there are much better social media platforms for sharing clips. From what I’ve seen, most of Twitter is people angrily typing opinions at each other, so your target demographic may not be there. The UI is designed for text rather than video, and responses/reactions don’t integrate nicely with videos.
Sharing game clips on video-oriented social media makes a tonne sense, however.
Remember, this was established over a decade ago with the PS4/Xbone. It was a very different landscape then.
Regardless Twitter or not, the use case for console -> social media seems pretty clear to me
Also Nintendo and Sony are Japanese companies and Twitter is (or was? I stopped using Twitter even before it was sold, so I am not quite up to date) insanely popular in Japan, that’s most likely the reason why it’s Twitter.