Not too long ago, regulations on CBD changed in Germany leading to a plethora of products containing it. As someone who occasionally needs pain medication, I tried some of the products to avoid regular pain killers (ibu). Especially on days with lighter pain, I wished for an alternative to the sledgehammer meds. But I was left standing in the rain. I didn’t feel any effect. That’s why I would love to hear from your experiments and experience.
You’re getting a lot of answers from Americans. Be aware that CBD oil sold in Germany (Dm, Rossmann, etc.) almost certainly doesn’t contain significant levels of THC.
The evidence doesn’t seem to suggest CBD alone is effective in pain management:
Cannabis oil that contains THC is almost certainly a different matter.
Me, personally, I noticed an effect. However, I’ve never been a potist.
I used it for when I was sick. I got some flavored oil and put a few drops under my tongue occasionally.
Yes, it helped calm me down. But, I was hungover after I stopped taking it. But I get hangovers very easily because my liver has lived a few lives at this point - I was a bit of an alcoholist.
Thank you! Does calm down also refer to some pain felt or was it rather recreational?
But more importantly: the past tense in your last sentence sounds like you are still going strong without. If so: an internet stranger is proud of you!
Thanks internet stranger, yes I’m not drinking anymore.
So now I’m remembering I had something wrong with my foot, or some sort of swelling somewhere. And it did help relieve the pain, but personally I wouldn’t take it again for that because of the hangover.