It’s a mystery how a paid multiplayer team hero shooter with microtransaction, featuring uninspiring character design, launched and compete with other good f2p multiplayer game, and won’t sell. Can’t crack the code, sorry.
It’s a mystery how a paid multiplayer team hero shooter with microtransaction, featuring uninspiring character design, launched and compete with other good f2p multiplayer game, and won’t sell. Can’t crack the code, sorry.
“Take to the streets, destroy whatever you want, find cool new weapons and resources, and rescue NPCs to take back to your Hometown, a living centralized hub,” Ruckus said in today’s announcement. “Here you can customize, build, and upgrade over time allowing you to enhance your weapons and abilities to head out even stronger for another round of chaotic fun.”
Sounds more like openworld survivor than multiplayer shooter
Yeah same. I haven’t been feeling the hype after World, Iceborne, Rise, and Wild doesn’t have that umph i feel from watching World reveal trailer, mostly indifferent. But I guess it has more to do with me lacking the enthusiasm toward game like i used to than the game itself, and the lack of regional pricing turn me into patient gamer.
Are you sure that isn’t just bot regurgitating comment from a year or two ago?
Didn’t Farage win his seat last election? UK might have hard time topping it now but a decade later he might creep in. The world is shifting toward right.
Husbando, it’s really just a japanese accent of saying wife and husband.
Yeah, i grow up learning about ozone layer hole and acid rain in school, then enter the 21st century and that talk has largely gone. Now i wish the same thing can be done to the climate change, looks like it might lose some steam.
It’s Take-Two, they’re never not scummy. Expect unhindered mtx push in gta6 that’s even worst than gta5, and people still gonna eat it up.
I don’t mean toeing the biden line, i mean stern against israel. I might have spoke too soon because we might get the full picture once we see the voter turnout. So far it seems like american vote for trump, without exception.
That’s the kicker. No matter what Harris do, no matter how left her policy is, no matter how stern her gaza stance is, she’s gonna lose. The world is moving toward right. My country’s on the way there too unfortunately.
30min in Malaysia in the morning, before the weather get hot. Afterward i’ve heard it’s 5 to 10min. Some people line up for an hour or so on polling station serving larger population.
Sleep of another day then
I’ll know the result once i wake up from sleep.
-lemming from the other side of the earth
Kinda depend on what thing i’m making. I’ll make pancake/cupcake/cookie/brownie from scratch because premade has the exact same efford required, while stuff like meatballs/hashbrown/nugget/sausage i’d just buy frozen because the effort to get there is high. Though i won’t get premade microwave meal, it’s usually horrible.
Good editing. Captain Disillusioned did an episode one it
Hmm, i’m not familiar with tarkov though so can’t say. But it sounds like State of Decay kind of thing.